Friday, August 21, 2015

First day of school -- 2015-2016

I cannot believe I have TWO children in school.  Where did the time go? How are they big enough to not be home with me all day long?

It's such a bittersweet thing -- growing up.

This year Benjamin starts FIRST grade at the Academy.  He was mostly excited, but a little nervous because he knew there would be a lot of hard work.  He was glad that this year he was able to play on the big playground.  Plus, his best friend is in his class! His favorite color is blue.  His favorite thing to do is play with Alexander and he wants to be a scientist when he grows up. His teacher is Mrs. Rinner.

Andrew is starting pre-K this year! He is going half day, so I pick him up at noon. I was super sad to see this kid go.  He is such a helper to me and I have enjoyed my time with him so much.  He was pretty hesitant about going to school, but warmed up once he saw his desk AND all of his best friends in his class!  He was not excited about starting school when I asked.  He was sad and nervous.  And he said he would miss me. {cue tears}  Andrew's favorite color is green and his favorite thing to play is ninjas.  He is excited to play on the playground and eat lunch at school. His teacher is Mrs. Chan.

A big year begins again.  The Lord has been kind and we seek Him for guidance as our boys grow and learn and become young men.  These guys are precious and sweet and rowdy!  Each with their own strengths and weaknesses that make them their own people.  I love watching them grow and change and become who they are! It truly is an honor and privilege to be there momma.

Here's to a new year, to school days and learning new things!

1 comment:

mama cindy said...

It IS hard to believe B is in 1st grade!! Andrew and his him!! Hope this school year is a great one for everyone!!!!